Booking Terms and Conditions

Valentine Sports Park

Booking Conditions for Events, Facilities and Accommodation

Valentine Sports Park is a managed facility of the Football NSW Limited and in the context of these conditions the name is transposable.

The ‘Hirer’ shall mean the person or entity to which the use of Valentine Sports Park, or parts thereof, has been granted.


1. An initial deposit equal to 50% of the total quoted amount is required to confirm a booking made less than six (6) months in advance and is required to be paid within seven (7) days of the date when the booking was made.

2. Unless otherwise notified, the balance of the total amount due is required to be paid ten (10) days prior to arrival at Valentine Sports Park for the booked accommodation/event date.

3. If the time between the booking confirmation and the date of the event or first night of accommodation is ten (10) days or less, then 100% of the total hire charges must accompany the completed booking form or confirmation letter.

4. Payment of the deposit and balance will be accepted by cash, cheque, direct deposit, or credit card  (MasterCard or Visa).

5. A booking is not definite until the Valentine Sports Park Management Office has received the deposit and a signed Booking Form or confirmation letter.

6. If the completed booking form or confirmation letter is returned to Valentine Sports Park the required payment must be posted so as to be received within two (2) working days of the booking form or confirmation letter being received.

7. The Valentine Sports Park Management Office reserves the right to cancel any tentative booking that has not been confirmed within seven (7) days of the date when the booking was made and release the dates for bookings by other hirers.

8. All quoted prices are subject to change without notification; however every attempt will be made to give reasonable notice.


9. Bookings made more than six (6) months in advance will require an initial deposit equal to 10% of the total quoted amount and is required to be paid within seven (7) days of the date when the booking was made.

10.  A further 40% of the total quoted amount shall be paid three (3) months prior to the booked accommodation or event date.

11.  Unless otherwise notified, the balance of the total amount due is required to be paid ten (10) days prior to arrival at Valentine Sports Park for the booked accommodation/event date.

12.  Payment of the deposit and balance will be accepted by cash, cheque, direct deposit, or credit card (MasterCard or Visa).

13.  A booking is not definite until the Valentine Sports Park Management Office has received the deposit and a signed Booking Form or confirmation letter.

14.  If the completed booking form or confirmation letter is faxed back to Valentine Sports Park the required payment must be posted so as to be received within two (2) working days of the booking form or confirmation letter being received.

15.  The Valentine Sports Park Management Office reserves the right to cancel any tentative booking that has not been confirmed within seven (7) days of the date when the booking was made and release the dates for bookings by other hirers.

16. All quoted prices are subject to change without notification; however every attempt will be made to give reasonable notice.


17.  Any deposit paid will be forfeited on events, facilities and accommodation cancelled within thirty (30) days preceding the booked date.

18.  50% of the deposit paid will be refunded if the cancellation occurs between sixty (60) to thirty (30) days preceding the booking date on the strict condition that the events, facilities and accommodation cancelled is subsequently re-booked by other persons.


19. The Hirer agrees that additional fees will be payable for each and every one hour period (or part thereof) that the Hirer uses the Venue or prevents or restricts the use of the Venue by any other user prior to or beyond the relevant Hire Session or the Hire Period (as applicable) (including in respect of any bump in or bump out of equipment and personnel).

20. The Hirer agrees that, depending on the Permitted Use, FNSW may, in its absolute discretion, require (at the Hirer’s cost) the presence of FNSW’s contracted security guards at the Venue, or make (at the Hirer’s cost) any other arrangements and engage such personnel as is appropriate in order to ensure the efficient management of attendees at any activities being conducted at the Venue.

21. In addition, the Hirer also agrees that it may be liable to pay such further fees and charges (in addition to the Hire Fee) in relation to the Hirer’s use of the Venue, as reasonably determined by FNSW from time to time in accordance with this Agreement.

22. Upon receipt of a tax invoice, the Hirer agrees to pay any additional fees or charges payable under the terms and condition in accordance with the payment terms contained in the invoice.


23.  Guaranteed final numbers for accommodation and any catering are to be advised seven days prior to the event date or first night of accommodation. Valentine Sports Park reserves the right to charge, as a minimum, for the guaranteed number notwithstanding that less than this number is accommodated or served.

24.  Additional numbers to the guaranteed final number will be charged at the appropriate rate.


25.  The hirer is to assume full responsibility for any damage and costs incurred by Valentine Sports Park caused by any of its group members, guest, invitees or other persons associated with the hirer.

26.  Valentine Sports Park assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged goods or items belonging to the hirer and/or any of its group members, guest, invitees or other persons associated with the hirer.


27.  Nothing is to be nailed, screwed or adhered in any way to any wall, door or other part of the complex unless the Valentine Sports Park Management Office has given specific prior approval to the hirer for such matter.

28.  No structures, fixtures, fittings or furnishings of Valentine Sports Park may be altered, moved, removed or used without the specific prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office and any conditions that may be applied.

29.  No marquee, hut, stall or similar structure shall be erected on, or in the immediate vicinity of, Valentine Sports Park without the prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office and any conditions that may be applied.


30.  The hirer agrees to commence and conclude its booking at the times agreed upon with the Valentine Sports Park Management Office.

31.  The Valentine Sports Park Management Office reserves the right to charge overtime, at the appropriate pro rata rate, for bookings that exceed the scheduled hire period.


32.  No alcohol of any kind is to be brought into Valentine Sports Park by the hirer and/or any of its group members, guest, invitees or other persons associated with the hirer without the specific prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office.

33.  The hirer shall not take or permit to be taken into Valentine Sports Park or its immediate vicinity, any machine, structure or vehicle for selling, offering or exposing for sale any food, refreshment or other similar goods without the specific prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office. Such approval being conditional on the full compliance with health and safety regulations and any other conditions that may be applied.


34.  The hirer shall not hawk, sell, supply or dispose of any item whatsoever in Valentine Sports Park without the specific prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office and any conditions that may be applied.


35.  No advertising signs or publicity leaflets in any form may be erected, displayed or distributed within Valentine Sports Park or its immediate vicinity without the specific prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office and any conditions that may be applied.

36. For the avoidance of doubt no hirer will erect or display sponsorship or event signage whatsoever around Valentine Sports Park without the specific prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office. Any signage that may conflict with Football NSW sponsors and infringe any exclusivity rights will be removed immediately or there may be a requirement to pay financial compensation to any Football NSW sponsors.


37.   Unless otherwise agreed, the hirer is to be solely responsible for the organisation and operation of an event, facility use or accommodation period and the supervision and control of all participants and group members, guests, invitees or other persons associated with the hirer.

38.  The Valentine Sports Park Management reserves the right to exclude or remove any and all undesirable persons from any function or complex premises without liability.

39.  It is understood that the hirer will conduct its use of the complex in an orderly manner and in full compliance with the rules put in place due Public Health Orders and Conditions of Entry of the Valentine Sports Park, with all applicable laws and with directions given by authorised persons.


40.  No animal may be admitted to Valentine Sports Park without the specific prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office and any conditions that may be applied.


41.  No collections, game of chance, sweepstake or lottery shall be taken in or in the vicinity of Valentine Sports Park without the specific prior approval of the Valentine Sports Park Management Office and any conditions that may be applied.

42.  No person shall be permitted to bet or wager in or in the vicinity of Valentine Sports Park.


43.  Public Announcement systems can not be used at the venue from 6:00PM to 8:00AM Monday to Sunday.

44. No music or radio broadcasting to be played at the venue, it is the hirers responsibility to apply for a OneMusic Licence


45. The Hirer agrees that it must use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that it uses the Venue in a manner which is safe, responsible, professional and competent, and in accordance with all applicable laws and safety standards.

46. The Hirer acknowledges and agrees that the Premises will be used by FNSW and other third party hirers during the Hire Period and agrees that it will use its best endeavours to minimise any interruption to other parts of the Premises during the Hirer’s use of the Venue.

47. The Hirer must comply with all reasonable directions given by FNSW or its representatives, including any directions regarding care and use of the Venue and the appropriate footwear to be worn.

48. The Hirer must comply with the rules & requirements for the management of the Premises and the use of the Venue, if any, published by FNSW from time to time (including hours of access, being between the hours of 7am and 10pm).

49. The Hirer must obtain and maintain any necessary consents, permits or authorities for the hire of the Venue.

50. The Hirer must ensure that its staff, contractors and invitees are made aware of all emergency evacuation procedures at the Venue and observe all security and emergency evacuation procedures applicable from time to time at the Venue.


51. At the end of each Hire Session and at the end of the Hire Period (as applicable), the Hirer must (at its cost):

(a) leave the Venue (including the change rooms and toilet facilities) clean and in good repair and condition, fair wear and tear excepted and having regard to the condition of the Venue at the start of the Hire Session or Hire Period (as applicable); and

(b) except as otherwise agreed under the terms of this Agreement, remove all equipment and other items belonging to the Hirer, its staff, contractors or other invitees from the Venue after each use of the Venue during the Hire Period and at the end of the Hire Period (as applicable).

52. If the Hirer fails to comply with its obligations to remove equipment and other items, the Hirer authorises FNSW to remove the equipment and other items, dispose of them and recover the cost of doing so from the Hirer.

53. If in the reasonable opinion of FNSW, the Venue has not been left in a clean condition after the end of a Hire Session or the Hire Period (as applicable), then FNSW may either request the Hirer to clean the Venue to the standard required by FNSW, or have a third party clean the Venue at the Hirer’s expense (including by deducting that cost from the Security Deposit).


54. Football NSW does not presently affiliate private clinics or academies. Generally speaking, Associations and their clubs and clubs participating in our competitions are affiliated to Football NSW and we reserve the use of Valentine Sports Park for use by those types of organisations.


55. To the maximum extent permitted by law, all conditions and warranties expressed or implied by statute, common law, equity, trade, custom, usage or otherwise in respect of the Venue are expressly excluded. The Hirer assumes all risk associated with and incidental to the Hirer’s use of, and access to, the Venue, and releases to the full extent permitted by law FNSW and its directors, officers, employees, agents and contractors from all liability arising or resulting from the Hirer’s use of, and access to, the Venue. The Hirer must satisfy itself that the Venue is safe for the Permitted Use and FNSW gives no undertaking or warranty in that regard.


56. The Hirer will indemnify FNSW and each of its directors, officers, employees, agents and contractors against all actions, claims and demands brought by any person in respect of any:

(a) loss or damage to the Venue; and

(b) claims in respect of personal injury or death or loss of, or damage to, any other property,
arising out of or as a consequence of any breach of this Agreement by the Hirer or any wilful, unlawful, reckless or negligent act or omission of the Hirer, except to the extent caused or contributed to by any negligent act or omission of FNSW.


57. The Hirer will obtain (and ensure its contractors obtain) appropriate insurance with an insurer acceptable to FNSW covering all activities at the Venue of the Hirer and its contractors, subcontractors, employees, volunteers, invitees, agents and any guests, speakers or participants.

58. Without limiting the generality of clause 52, the Hirer must obtain the insurance, which insurance policies must note FNSW as an additional insured party (if required by FNSW).

59. The Hirer will, upon the request of FNSW, provide evidence of such insurance, including, but not limited to a Certificate of Currency, to FNSW prior to the booking Start Date.